HEC-C Study Resources
HEC-C Virtual Review Course
Developed and presented by ASBH HEC-C Review Course Task Force members, this online course will provide a thorough review of the core references and four content domains through the use of sample questions and discussion about the examination content outline. The course will be highly interactive, with opportunities for attendees to test their knowledge and connect information with the content outline and core references as a review framework. The 4-hour session will include discussion and practice test questions for each of the following:
- Healthcare Ethics Issues and Concepts: Big Picture
- Healthcare Ethics Issues and Concepts: Clinical Encounters
- Healthcare Systems and Health Law
- Clinical Context
- Local Healthcare Organizations and Policies
Each attendee will receive a HEC-C Study Guide featuring an extended analysis of the sample questions following the session. The next available course will take place over Zoom on Monday, March 24 at 1 - 5 PM Central. Information on registration will be available in the coming weeks.
HEC-C Practice Exam
Developed by the CECA Committee, the practice exam is designed to help candidates prepare for the HEC-C Examination. CECA Committee members used the publicly available certification examination outline and core references to develop practice questions similar in format to those that will appear on the examination.
The HEC-C Practice Exam features
- 50 multiple choice questions, in both stand-alone and scenario-based format;
- a diagnostic report containing each question with the correct answer, the rationale, and reference provided upon the completion of the practice exam;
- additional recommended reading for each question; and
- a demonstrated mapping to the HEC-C Examination Content Outline to help candidates determine content for further study.
Success on the practice test does not guarantee positive results on the certification examination. The online practice test is hosted by Scantron. Scantron is contracted to provide the HEC-C Practice examination and worked separately with the ASBH CECA Committee to develop a practice exam.
Purchase the HEC-C Practice Exam
After completing the payment process, you will receive a unique user name and password which will be valid for one year. There is no time limit on the practice test and it is not necessary to complete the practice test in one session; you may exit and return to the practice test as often as you like. However, once the practice test has been submitted for scoring, the user name and password will expire and you may not reenter the practice test.
Clinical Ethics Consultation Publications
Buy a selection of our essential Healthcare Ethics Consulting ASBH publications that are included as core resources for the HEC-C Examination. The publications, listed below, provide an essential foundation identifying core competencies, improving those competencies, and the application of competencies through the presentation of complex clinical cases.
• Core Competencies in Healthcare Ethics Consultation, 2nd Edition
• Improving Competencies in Clinical Ethics Consultation, 2nd Edition
• A Case-Based Study Guide for Addressing Patient-Centered Ethical Issues in Health Care