
HCEC Certification Task Force

The members of the 2016-17 HCEC Certification Task Force are:

Amy Haddad, PhD RN, Chair
Carol Bayley, PhD
Felicia Cohn, PhD MA
Monica Gerrek, PhD
Jason Lesandrini, PhD (c)
Mary Faith Marshall, PhD FCCM
Haavi Morreim, JD PhD
Hellen Ransom, DHCE
Paul Schneider, MD FACP
Martin Smith, STD
Carol Taylor, PhD MSN RN
Katherine Wasson, PhD MPH


The role of the task force is to serve as content experts and reflect the diversity of HCEC roles in working with psychometricians to develop a feasibility study and a role delineation survey. 

Process and Timeline

The specific aim of this project is to take two steps in the process of designing a credible, sustainable certification program to improve the quality of HCEC services. The first step is to evaluate the demand for a HCEC certification program and to assess the sustainability of such a program. The second step is a role delineation study to clearly delineate domains and tasks that characterize proficient performance and ensure that the content specifications of an exam accurately reflect current practice. Content validity is established by linking exam content to the competencies (e.g., knowledge and skills) identified in a role delineation study. The process is designed to meet industry standards for legal defensibility and credibility.

Task force members are expected to attend and participate in two meetings. The first is scheduled for August 2016 and the date of the second meeting is to be determined in 2017. Task force members will also be expected to review materials in preparation for these meetings and to provide comments on materials that are produced at these meetings. It is anticipated that the task force will complete its charge by April 2017.


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